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Evitech Legal Services assists the Chicago legal community in the preparation of digital evidence for litigation, allowing the attorney to focus on trial strategy.


Digital Evidence exists in unlimited formats often requiring a dedicated IT department and equipment that is out of reach for independent practitioners and small firms.  Allow Evitech to assist you in the artful telling of your client's story.

Services Portfolio

Services Portfolio
  • Video Still Shots

Video playback speed can be too fast to see what actually occurred.  A video frame shot presents a moment in the video file of your choosing.  Single video frame shots can be critical for identifications and for better comprehending events depicted in video footage.

Highlights can be added to any video frame shot to draw the viewer’s eye to what the attorney wants to focus on.

  • Video Frame Shots With Highlighting

  • Video Frame Shot With Animated Graphics


Highlights can be animated to further direct the eye.

Portions of the frame can be enlarged to focus on subject.

  • Video Frame Shot With Enlargement

  • Video Frame Shot With Enlargement And Highlight


Ability to enlarge subjects and add highlighting as well.

Enlarge portions of the frame and add highlighting animations.

  • Video Frame Shot With Enlargement And Animated Highlight

  • Video Animated Highlights

Animated highlights can also be inserted into videos.

Slowing a video down can make it easier for a judge or jury to see what actually happened.

  • Slow Down Video Playback

  • Video Zoom

Relevant portions of a video can be zoomed into to better focus on desired content.

Videos that have had relevant portions zoomed into can also be slowed down for further ease of analysis.

  • Slow Down And Zoom Into A Video

  • Animations Added to Maps


Animations can be added to maps to highlight a route taken.

Better focus your viewer’s attention by highlighting points of interest in the video.

  • Video Highlighting

  • Video Obscure

Undesired portions of the video can also be obscured.

Occasionally, the lighting in a video scene makes it difficult to see what occurred.  Here is the original.

  • Video Lighting

  • Video Lighting

Adjusting the lighting can reveal more content  in a video scene.

If you have received video evidence that you are unable to play, or play easily, Evitech can capture or convert it into common formats playable on most computers.

  • Conversions

  • Rotating A Video

Depending on how it was recorded, some video evidence may play upside down.  Evitech can rotate video footage, making it easier to watch and more appropriate for presentation to your audience.

Depending on how it was recorded, some video evidence may play upside down.  Evitech can rotate video footage, making it easier to watch.

  • Rotating A Video

  • Video Timeline

If there are multiple videos of various times of the event, the video files can be combined in chronological order to more seamlessly present video evidence.

Sometimes the volume in the videos we receive is too low to hear what is going on.  This problem is often seen in interview videos where the acoustics of the room are not optimal. We can increase the volume in these video sources and others and then make clips out of them for use at trial.

  • Volume Adjustment

  • Video Clips

Video evidence files can be quite large and cumbersome to play, especially during a hearing.  Some formats are slow to load and it can be difficult to que the video to the relevant portion of the file should it contain a lot of unnecessary footage.  Creating smaller files in user friendly formats ahead of time allows for more seamless playback at trial.

YouTube and other online video content can be archived for future litigation.  Should the owner of the video content remove the file of interest before you have secured a copy for your case, that file will be more difficult to acquire.  Videos of interest to law enforcement are often removed from the web by their owners.  If you have YouTube videos of interest and have a working link to the videos, Evitech can download and archive the file so that you have a copy, even if the content owner later removes it.

  • Archive YouTube Videos

  • Social Media Archive

2021 Twitter logo - white.png

Social media posts from various sources can be archived.  Allow Evitech to preserve relevant social media content for future litigation.

  • Timelines



Computer Processor

Video Clips

Security Video Assistance

Graphic Comparisons

Graphic Call Outs

Graphic Highlighting

YouTube Video Archival

Video Conversions

Video Screenshots

Video Captures

Video Merging

Social Media Capture

Timeline Creation

Audio Enhancement

Video Slow-Down

Video Zoom-In

Video and Picture Lighting Adjustment

Video Angle Adjustment

Powerpoints for Closing Arguments

Custom Maps

Assistance with Difficult File Formats

Audio Clips

Picture Enlargement

Custom Disk Creation

News Story Archiving

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Phone: (630) 354-4716



For a quote on a service listed above, or an inquiry on related services, please fill out the provided form or contact us by the email or phone number listed above.

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